Recipe for Spanish Paella

This is the last part of our famous paella recipe!

Put all the ingredients, except the shrimps and clams into the paella and add one cup of roundgrained rice per person. Add saffran. When you have bad quality saffran or your just can't afford it, use 'colorante alementario' to get your paella yellow. Fry for about one minute and pour the sieved fish broth onto the rest of the ingredients. Use roughly two cups of broth for one cup of rice.

Taste the broth. A good paella needs to be well salted. Youmay want to add salt and pepper. Put the parsely in and stirr the ingredients. This should be the last time that you stirr the paella.

Let the paella cook and slowly lower the fire during the cooking proces. It should take about twenty minutes to cook the rice. Just add some broth when your paella starts to get burned. 

Garnish the paella with the clams and shrimps or just throw them on top of it all. When the rice is cooked and almost dry, your Real Spanish Paella is ready to be served.

Always take a picture with your paella.

¡Salut, i força al canut!

If you're curious to know of other paella recipes (not as good of course...), try these. You don't have to speak spanish for some of them.

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